Technology & Projects Insurance Coverage

It has been known by now that technology companies are not immune from cyber attacks that might result in lost data.
As a company owner your main concern might be coverage for business income loss, digital asset replacement expense, third party coverage for regulatory proceeding defense cost , media liability protection, equipment breakdown, or employee dishonesty; SaveGuard Insurance Agency is your first step.
So don't Hesitate Call US NOW.
We will:
As a company owner your main concern might be coverage for business income loss, digital asset replacement expense, third party coverage for regulatory proceeding defense cost , media liability protection, equipment breakdown, or employee dishonesty; SaveGuard Insurance Agency is your first step.
So don't Hesitate Call US NOW.
We will:
- Identify the typs of risks that rises with your business.
- Scan the Glob to find the perfect Insurance Policy for Your Company.
Types of coverage:
- General Liability limits of $2 million per occurrence/ $4million aggregate
- Liability for damage to premises rented to you for up to $300,000.
- Broadened Named insured and blanket additional insured Endorsement.
- Technology Errors & Omissions (E&O) with Limits Up to $5 million
- Information security Liability with combined limits up to $5 million
- Business income and extra expense coverage for up to 12 consecutive months; with a 24 hour waiting period
- Business personal property.
- Business personal property off premises coverage include while in transit and temporarily away .
- Computer fraud
- Denial of service attack.
- Electronic Data Processing Equipment.
- Employee Dishonesty and forgery or alteration coverage.
- Equipment Breakdown coverage, Diagnostic equipment, power generating and production equipment.
- Unauthorized business card Use.
- valuable papers and Records.
- Contract Penalties........and Many More. . .
Our Favorites in Technology:
Data Processing![]() Data processing may involve various processes, including:
IT Consultants![]() The IT consulting industry can be viewed as a Four-tier system:
Software Develop![]()
Website Design![]() Website design, web hosting, web services, including ASPs
website Design includes: